We value our customer privacy and we will not share any information submitted by you to any third party. You can review our complete Privacy Policy.

All content present on this site is the exclusive property of Sasti Website. No material from this site may be copied, modified, reproduced, republished, uploaded, transmitted, posted in any form without prior written permission from us at Sasti Website. All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved. Any non-authorized usage of the information appearing on this site may violate copyright, trademark, and other applicable laws, and could result in criminal or civil penalties. Sasti Website is a registered trademark. This trademark may not be used in any manner without having prior written consent from Sasti Website


When you visit our Websites, Browser Applications, etc., or participate in our events, blogs, social networking pages, surveys; Sasti Website may collect your information, which may include your Personal Data. For the purposes of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we at Sasti Website are the controller for personal data collected through Sasti Website owned systems and not for data collected on a platform owned by any third party, social media platforms, etc.

These are a few of the means through which we may collect your personal data for the following legitimate business purposes:


When you inquire about anything from our websites we may collect your (i) contact information such as name, e-mail address, mailing address, IP address, geographic location, or phone number, software environment, etc., or any combination of such information.

Subject to this Policy and its terms we will use such data, including without limitation, (i) send you communication for the Service(s); (ii) assess needs of your business to determine or suggest suitable Service(s); (iii) send you requested information about the Service(s); (iv) respond to customer service requests, questions, and concerns.

Sign-up, Billing, and Account Information

When you subscribe to Service(s)/ Trials offered by Sasti Website, we may collect your (i) contact information such as name, e-mail address, mailing address, IP address, geographic location, or phone number, of the Account admin; (ii) billing information like billing address, etc; (iii) name and e-mail address when Account admin/Agent(s) provide feedback from within the Service(s); and (iv) unique identifiers, such as username, account number or password.

Subject to this Notice and the Terms, Sasti Website will use data, without any limitation, to (i) grant software license & other Service(s); (ii) send you communication from the Service(s); (iii) understand needs of your business to determine or suggest you suitable Service(s); (iv) send you the information requested regarding the Service(s); (v) respond to customer service requests and concerns; (vi) manage your Account; (vii) send you promotional and marketing information (where you have requested us to do so).

Support Interactions

When a customer/ Prospect interacts with Sasti Website company support professional, we collect Device/ System and Usage data or error reports to diagnose and resolve problems. When a customer receives communications from Sasti Website, we may use your data to personalize the content of the communication. When a customer engages with Sasti Website for professional services, we collect the name and contact data of the customer’s designated point of contact and use the information provided by the customer to perform the requested services by the customer and preserve all telephonic and written conversations for future reference, and such data, calls, chats or e-mails. This information may be used for training and development purposes for Sasti Website professionals.


When you attend Sasti Website organized event or event conducted by any other third party where we exhibit or participate, including webinars or seminars, we may collect your contact information such as name, e-mail address, designation, and company name. Subject to this Notice, Sasti Website will use such data, without limitation, too (i) assess your business to determine or suggest you suitable Service(s); (ii) send you information about the Service(s) requested; (iii) send you promotional and marketing information requested by you; and (iv) respond to your questions and concerns regarding the requested services.


Apart from the aforementioned information collected by us, Sasti Website automatically receives and records certain Personal Data of yours when you visit our Websites. This includes your device model, IP address, the type of browser being used, usage pattern through cookies, and browser settings to ensure enrich future user experience through analysis of the same. We also collect clicks, scrolls, conversion, and drop-off on our Websites and Service(s) to render user experience in real-time. Subject to this Notice, we will use such data, including without limitation, too (i) assess needs of your business to determine or suggest suitable Service(s); (ii) send you information regarding the Service(s) requested; (iii) respond to the customer service requests, questions and concerns; and (iv) for analytical purposes.


We may post your testimonials/comments/reviews on our Websites which may contain your Personal Data. Prior to posting the testimonial, Sasti Website will obtain your consent to post your name along with the testimonial. If you want your testimonial removed, you can contact us.

Marketing Communications

We may use your e-mail address, collected which may fall into the category of Personal Data, to send our newsletters and/or marketing communications about our services. When you have requested, we will also send you marketing communications about Sasti Website third-party partners. If you no longer wish to receive these communications, you can opt-out by following the instructions contained in the e-mails you receive from Sasti Website.

Job Portal/ Partnership Forms

Sasti Website may use and store your personal data, required for the selection of your candidature for any job opening at our organization and may use the same to contact you for such purposes only as it will be specified at the time of filling up any candidature form.